Sunday, March 29, 2009
"Glorious" Marysville

The Moon (Obviously)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
An Oppression of Time
When I moved the clock forward and obliterated an hour of time, I could almost hear a deep, majestic voice from the cosmos say, "You'll thank me later." Yeah right.

I can't stand it to see my body go through this pain. I have to look myself in the eyes and tell my tired body that it can't wake up when it's used to. It's schedule is just plain disrupted.
Time is one of the few things we have that is constant. But even that has been stripped from us. How can we survive when time itself changes? No more will I put up with this. No more can I sit by while this theft is taking place. The time for action has come! Join with me, and together we will rebel against this atrocity and retrieve what was wrongly taken from us!
On the other hand, it snowed Sunday night, making school start 2 hours late on Monday. I was able to sleep in, and it was such a sweet thing. After all that ranting and raving, a way was made to help me get through this trial. I was understood when I thought that no one did. So maybe the fault is in the government, not anything else.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Economy is Disintegrationing!

This is a graph of the value of the Dow Jones stock over the last 5 years. See that downward trend? That's bad. We should probably do something about it.
I had a great idea to save the stock market! The government should give everyone $500, but instead of giving it to us in cash, they should give it to us in stock. With 150 billion dollars invested in the market, prices will go way up.
On the other hand, everyone would sell as soon as the stock went up. This could start a vicious cycle of swings from high to low that would be worse than my mom on sugar. Uh-oh! (Sorry mom. :D)