Sunday, February 1, 2009

Hymn of the Week

Today I opened the Hymn Book to a random page and I saw the hymn, "Did You Think to Pray?" I thought that there was probably something that I was supposed to learn from it because the Sunday School lesson that we just had was about prayer. As the hymn was going through my head, these lines caught my attention.

Oh, how praying rests the weary!
Prayer will change the night to day.

These lines seem to contradict each other. How can someone rest if it's always day? When I'm trying to sleep, the last thing I want is for the night to suddenly change to day. Every morning when my alarm clock goes off, I spend a few seconds asking the universe, "Why are you so mean to me?" and then I grunt and get out of bed. If anything, the nights need to be longer because I feel quite weary sometimes. I need my rest!


Melinda said...

LOL, LOL. That's really funny.

At church this morning, we opened the hymn book to "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet" which was the opening hymn. The bottom left-hand corner of the page was ripped revealing the words of the hymn before it, "Awake, Ye Sons of God Awake." The words matched up so perfectly, it looked like the hymn said, "We thank thee for every tempter's snare." One more reason not to damage a hymnbook. It's hard to sing while you are giggling.

Joseph said...

I don't know about you, but I'm thankful for my snare. I'm sure that every other drummer is too.